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module "Esri.ArcGISExtras" is not installed

04-02-2024 06:14 AM
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New Contributor

Hi, I am facing some issue regarding ArcGIS in one scenario.

1) I created debian package for my app in which we are using map, when I am using same deb package in 2nd linux system I am facing "module "Esri.ArcGISExtras" is not installed" error. But ArcGIS directory

is present in 2nd linux system and I imported path for "ArcGIS directory" but still I am facing same issue.

I tried to copy  "Esri.ArcGISExtras" files in my deb package directory and run the application. app was succesfully running but map was not coming up. I have doubt as ArcGis is present on both systems then why map is not working on 2nd system and its working on 1st system where I created debian.

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