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Map Viewer reinit Popup

10-19-2022 03:59 AM
Occasional Contributor


i have a layer in webmap with a custom popup parameted for first time in this webmap.

I replaced the featurelayer with my ArcGIS Pro 2.9 with specifics new Popup parameters.

When i open the feature layer in a new map the layer popup is same that in ArcGIS Pro.

But in in my webmap no.

Ok, i told me to me : desactivate the popup, save the webmap and reopen it and activate the popup...

the popup is always some common parts of the old and new popup, not the new popup only defined in the feature layer.

I took "ArcGIS assistant" and i delete popup parameters of the layer and i saved it.

i reopened the webmap and popup is same half old /new popup !

I saw that the layer it has an itemid in the layer definition, so i think it get some old popup definitions but where ?

Is there a way in mapviewer to reinit the popup like in ArcGIS Pro ?

thanks for your help


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