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Map Viewer: Multi-Line in Pop-Ups

12-01-2022 03:08 PM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor


Is it possible to have a multi-line attribute (so broken up by newlines) display as such in the Pop-Up? I've seen a lot of information about it being possible for the labeling, but I'm looking to have the Pop-Up itself respect the multi-line formatting.

Is there some way to achieve this through Arcade, or is this just not supported on the Pop-Up front at all?


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1 Reply
Esri Frequent Contributor

Yes, this example uses a multi-line text attribute in the pop-up:


Here's the map:

Toggle all layers off except for Text from one field.

That map is covered in Pop-ups: the essentials.

You can also stack multiple text blocks to create more separation, or can use HTML formatting in the text block editor to customize things further.

If that's not what you are after, then yes - Arcade does have text functions that you can use to format things as you like, or you could even use an Arcade element to create the desired pop-up.

See Arcade text functions.

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