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Map Viewer is slow, including setting default visualization

07-01-2022 01:34 PM
MVP Regular Contributor

Does anyone have any suggestions for making new Map viewer not be so slow?

This seems to be a recurring issue. I like a lot of Map Viewer's functionality, but I really am having a hard time waiting for it to do anything.

It is painful to try to make any changes to a map, such as filtering or changing symbology. Forget editing. I understand it on maps with a bunch of stuff, but it's even affecting setting visualization for feature classes on their own item page. I just set symbology for an empty feature class and it took forever to load. I do not mean the map, I mean each menu when you click on it or make any changes.

I'm also confused because all of the applications that use the maps don't seem to have any slowness? Collector/FieldMaps has no problem, for example. Just Map Viewer seems to be slow.

If anyone has any tips for making it not so slow, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

31 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Can you provide some more detail 

  • Turning on/off layers and draw + print widgets - Is this experience builder only?
  • What are doing and seeing with working with symbology, labels etc that is different vs. Map Viewer Classic? 


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Emerging Contributor

The widgets in experience builder are not that important but I suspect that the 2D map is the issue here. EB works fine if I build in a 3D scene. When I turn back to the 2D map everything things go a lot slower. 

If I want to change the colors on map object, adjust transparency or something like that the map responds very slow. 

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Esri Notable Contributor

Can you point to some of the layers you are making those changes just so I am reproing something close to what you are doing. Thanks!

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New Contributor

I am also experiencing abysmal performance in the new map viewer in projects with a lot of layers. There is a lot of stuttering, and general slowness while moving around in the map and opening a layer's properties.

One thing I have figured out is that the performance is at its worst when I am in the "Layers" panel. If I go to for example "Basemaps" the stuttering clears up and everything is a lot more responsive.

The performance issue transferes to experience builder app ( This is a copy of a WAB app, where grouping if layers is a much needed feature as there are a bunch of layers. The performance in the WAB is very acceptable, however the performance in the EB version is not as good.

I have tried editing and viewing in Edge, Chrome, and Firefox. Poor performance in all three browsers.

Esri Notable Contributor

Thanks for sending over an example. Both Map Viewer and Experience Builder use the same API for the map view and would have similar experience. 

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Emerging Contributor

There's definitely a performance issue with the new map viewer and experience builder. I first tried to use them a couple of years ago and they were both so slow that I gave up and returned to classic map viewer and web app builder. I've recently tried the new map viewer/experience builder again and performance is still terrible. This is even just creating a new map and adding a single layer - it's very much slower than classic map viewer.


I've tried loading the maps linked to earlier in this thread by:

AndersAstad  - ‎

Ole_MariusGulbrandsen - and


and they are completely unusable for me. They take around 5 minutes to load and then are almost completely unresponsive to mouse input.

This in both Chrome and Edge.

I have noticed that my CPU usage shoots to 100% whenever I try to load any of these maps, 99% of that usage being my browser. As soon as I close the map window, cpu usage returns to under 5%.

The performance with the classic map viewer and web app builder is absolutely fine.

I have a 40mbps internet connection which is stable and gives me no issues. I have tried on both my work PC (i5-7200 cpu, 8GB RAM) and home PC (i7-7700k, 16GB RAM, 6GB gfx card) and the performance is  equally bad on both.

The cause needs to be identified by ESRI and a solution rolled out or advice given as to how to mitigate. If the intention is to eventually retire classic map viewer and web app builder, leaving only the new map viewer and experience builder with this performance issue unresolved, we would have no option but to look elsewhere for our web mapping solution.




Esri Notable Contributor

Do you have a support ticket logged to track this issue you are seeing? 

I am not seeing it take 5 mins to load.

The first sample takes Finish: 10.82 s

Second: Finish: 9.43 s

Third - not shared to everyone so not able to test. 

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Emerging Contributor

I've not raised a support call yet but will do so.

For info, I took some timings noted my experience with a couple of the example maps posted above:

Took about 5 mins 50 to load. CPU shoots to 100% when loading and stays there once map loaded, making rest of my system unusable. Even typing these observations into Notepad during the load is heavily lagging and the Windows clock I'm using to time it is stuttering and hesitating. Once loaded, map is unresponsive to user input and I would describe as being completely unusable.

took about 3 mins 20 load, then experience same as above for CHROME.

Took 6 mins 25 secs until finished loading. CPU at 100% during loading, making rest of my system unusable, but unlike the other map, once finished loading, the CPU settled back to normal and my system became usable again. However, map is again unresponsive to user input (eg. 30 seconds to refresh when panning and CPU shoots to 100%, making the rest of my system unusable until it finished refreshing the map). Again, I would describe the map as being unusable.

Took about 3 mins 20 secs until it finished loading, then the experience same as abaove for CHROME.

I asked a colleague to test and they observed that on one device, the load times were ok but on another device (a more powerful desktop PC), it was taking minutes to load.

So performance seems to vary radically from device to device. Given nearly all the maps we (and presumably many other organisations) produce on ArcGIS Online are for public consumption, we need to have confidence they will perform at least adequately for all users and the range of devices they will be using. I currently do not have that confidence with the new map viewer and experience builder.

I will create a couple of examples of my own and log a call. Hopefully the cause of the problem can be found.

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Occasional Contributor

I am experienceing similar Map Viewer performance issues.  In our case, it seems to be most problematic when there 8 or more feature services published from Pro in Enterprise 10.9.1.  CPU either goes to 100% or is at about 50% for a prolonged amount of time and the MV either gives an incomplete rendering or takes a very long to compete.  I have a case open with ESRI and I will share this post with my case.  I also see errors in the Dev Console of the browser like net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.  

I opened your first url on my PC w/ Chrome and Edge and it would not draw at all, yet when I opened in on my phone in the Chrome browser it performed just fine.  Also connected to it from my laptop connected to a Verizon Mobile Hot Spot and it was also fine (Chrome and Edge).  All of these at roughly the same time.


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Frequent Contributor

Ever since Esri decided to switch to new Java API we have been having nothing but problems with our maps and applications in AGO. In ArcPRO there is a new feature that was added that allows users to publish layers compatible with all clients - this option is off by default (Not sure if there is option to make it on by default), if you turn it on it makes old applications see symbology however I have seen serious decline in performance speed of maps or applications in AGO. On the other hand if you keep it off - it gives you better advanced symbology and labeling in advanced maps/applications (Experience Builder). Please note that experience builder lacks 60% of the functionality that was available in web app builder and runs at 1/4 of the speed of web app builder when we used old symbology and before new Java was released!

Esri, I am sure your team is aware of this more than us (Standard Users) and I beg you to expedite this problem with your developers so we can go back to using amazing service you had!

I am more than willing to help you troubleshoot this and provide any additional info you may need.

Thank you,