We have ArcMap 10.7.1 in my office and I'm trying to take our layers (with symbology) and import them into ArcOnline to create a WebMap so our client can view the data since they do not have access to ArcGIS Licenses.
Is there a simple way to ensure we can maintain the symbology that we have when using ArcDesktop? We want to avoid setting up different symbology than what our existing maps and PDFs show to avoid any confusion.
Ideally, it would be nice if we can import Layer Packages but that isn't an option when importing files into Map Viewer.
We do not have ArcGIS Pro, if this is a program we need to make this possible we may be able to get a license but, as of right now and the near future we will not have the ability to use ArcGIS Pro.
Any and all help is appreciated, thank you!