I am a complete newbie and I have been unsuccessfully been trying to load Lidar data into a map in arcgis online personnel use. I have tried loading .las and .shp files with zero success and so I am starting to think this is not possible in this ARCGIS online? I viewed the data in other software (.las /.laz format) so I know the data is ok. Could someone please give me an idiots guide to loading this data. I suspect I am doing something wrong.
Many thanks
Newbie Steve
Hi @StephenCarney3 , do you have access to ArcGIS Pro with your Personal Use licence? To visualise your LiDAR data in ArcGIS Online, you'll need to use ArcGIS Pro to create a Scene Layer Package. More information here: Sharing lidar points for visualization on the web—Imagery Workflows | Documentation (arcgis.com)