-Goal: Create Multiline Labelling using 1 Field
-My workflow: I found an Arcade script on ESRI’s Technical support page that works pretty well. I don’t know if it makes a difference but I am working in AGOL for this project. How To: Create Multiline Labels for a Single Field in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer (esri.com)
-Problem: The script doesn’t return 2 labels with “ Water Service Area” at the end of the label, however it returns the others. The other issue is when I try to add another variable for “ Water Company” or “ Retail Service Area” the script doesn’t return those as well or even the label at all. The script did accept “ Mutual Water Company” and return the label properly. Based on ESRI’s example, I thought there could be repeating words for the Find functions?
Question: Is there a way that I can still use this script + another script for the front part of the label? I don’t want to do the whole script for the front part of the label because then I would have to make a lot of variables.
Arcade Script
function FormatName(name, split_pt) {
var front = Left(name, split_pt);
var back = Right(name, Count(name) - (split_pt + 1));
var front_len = Count(front);
var back_len = Count(back);
var spacing = "";
var adjust = 1.3;
if (front_len < back_len) {
spacing = Concatenate(Array(Ceil(((back_len - front_len) / 2) * adjust), " "));
return spacing + front + TextFormatting.NewLine + back;
} else {
if (back_len < front_len) {
spacing = Concatenate(Array(Ceil(((back_len - front_len) / 2) * adjust), " "));
return front + TextFormatting.NewLine + spacing + back;
} else {
return front + TextFormatting.NewLine + back;
var Agency = $feature.AgencyName2;
var WSA = Find(" Water Service Area", Agency);
var RPU = Find(" Riverside Public Utilities (RPU)", Agency);
var SB = Find(" San Bernardino", Agency);
var MWC = Find(" Mutual Water Company", Agency);
if (WSA != -1) {
return FormatName(Agency, WSA);
} else {
if (RPU != -1) {
return FormatName(Agency, RPU );
} else {
if (SB != -1){
return FormatName(Agency, SB);
} else {
if (MWC != -1) {
return FormatName(Agency, MWC)
} else {
return Agency;
Thank You 😊
You can replace all your if statements by looping through an array of the possible agencies
function FormatName(name, split_pt) {
var frontend = Left(name, split_pt);
var backend = Right(name, Count(name) - (split_pt + 1));
var front_len = Count(frontend);
var back_len = Count(backend);
var spacing = "";
var adjust = 1.3;
if (front_len < back_len) {
spacing = Concatenate(Array(Ceil(((back_len - front_len) / 2) * adjust), " "));
return spacing + frontend + TextFormatting.NewLine + backend;
} else {
if (back_len < front_len) {
spacing = Concatenate(Array(Ceil(((back_len - front_len) / 2) * adjust), " "));
return frontend + TextFormatting.NewLine + spacing + backend;
} else {
return frontend + TextFormatting.NewLine + backend;
var Agency = $feature.AgencyName2;
var names = [
" Water Service Area",
" Riverside Public Utilities (RPU)",
" San Bernardino",
" Mutual Water Company",
for (var i in names) {
var sb = Find(names[i], Agency)
if (sb > -1) return FormatName(Agency, sb)
return "Agency not found"
Thank you for streamlining the code for me. Actually, with the help of an IT colleague, we found out that lines 10 & 14 have a bug. But I found a solution!!
1. I flip flopped the back_len/ front_len parts of line 10 & 14 so that both scenarios are covered. *Without doing this some labels would be shown and some would not be shown even though they have the same variable names.
2. Line 34 I changed to my layer name.
Thank you again 😊