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Is it possible to share multiple views in a single web map / web app?

09-15-2020 07:52 AM
Regular Contributor

We are working with a large number of volunteers and stakeholders on a citizen science project to collect wildlife sightings. They have community user accounts as part of our Hub Premium subscription. The stakeholders include landowners / landmanagers who are only interested in seeing data (sites, survey areas, species records etc.) within their ownership. We have therefore created multiple hosted view layers from each hosted feature layer to match the view required for a particular group of community users. Rather than creating separate web maps or web apps for each user group, we would prefer to share all of the views in the same map, with the users only seeing content shared to them (based on their logins and the groups they are members of). We have tried this out, and it works to an extent but if they do not have permission to view all of the layers, the warning Error The layer, LAYER NAME, cannot be added to the map appears. Is there a way we can get around this to prevent the warning appearing, or is best practice to create separate web maps for every group with a different view? It is also worth noting that we are sharing the webmaps on a Hub page as the primary way of users accessing the layers. We are also providing access to some of the webmaps through Explorer and Collector.

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