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Is it possible for any reason to disable sync in a layer that has replicas?

08-10-2022 10:45 AM
New Contributor III

Hi everyone.


Has anyone experimented that can disable the sync option for a hosted feature layer that still has replicas on it?

After disable sync, we realized the credit consumption is growing up, and then we could notice It was because of the replicas. 


Thank you very much for any info that you can provide me.


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4 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

Not sure what you are asking.  

Yes, you can disable sync on a dataset and it will remove replicas.

Yes, you can remove any replicas you like.

Will not function properly in offline mode if you do, unless you re-do the areas and download them again.


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New Contributor III

Hi @RhettZufelt, It could be any reason why credits are still growing even the sync is disabled?

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MVP Notable Contributor

Growing?  you mean the usage per day is increasing?

Here is page on what uses credits, might give you an idea of what is eating it up.

Also, you can go to your organization main page and get a summary of what the credits are being used for (storage, analytics, etc.) that might give you an idea.

If you had offline areas checked out, disabling sync doesn't always remove the replicas.  Make sure there are no orphaned replicas attached to any datasets that don't need it.


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New Contributor III

I think that the reason is about orphaned replicas, cause once we removed them from the REST endpoint the credit consumption stops.

Do you now if is there any documentation about it? 


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