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interactive filter template

04-10-2013 06:22 AM
Occasional Contributor II
I am trying to use the interactive filter template and having some issues.  I created a filter and checked the ???ask for values box??? but when I try to make a web applications from the resulting map using the filter template I get a ???Web map does not contain any interactive filters.??? Am I missing something?

There are so many possibilities with this template, really looking forward to using it.
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17 Replies
New Contributor II
I am trying to use the interactive web map but I cant seem to export my filters from the online map to the app. Can anyone guide me in how to create an interactive filter?

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New Contributor III

Hi Ian Wittenmyer‌,

I'm also have trouble with the filter template. I've attached a document with an image of the problem.

I want the user to be able to filter through any Fiscal Year in the web app, but when I set up the expression and click, "Ask for values", I can't save my edits. My web map is hosted from ArcGIS Pro as a feature service and there are only 7 values to choose from. Do you know why it's not letting me apply interactive filters?


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Esri Contributor

HI Cara,  based on your screenshot it looks like the 'apply filter button' isn't active because you still need to populate the 'Prompt' and 'Hint' values.  these are used to provide the end user with guidance on how to change the values in the filter

fully populated filter dialog

here is an example using that filter 

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New Contributor III

Oh wow, that was simple. Thank you for your help!

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Esri Contributor

Sure no problem.  I'll see if we can modify the UI to make it more clear that those are required.

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New Contributor III

Ian Wittenmyer‌ Thanks! I think that would be helpful. On another note, is there a way to add an "All' category to the filter? I'm not finding any options that would allow me to say, Find locations from all Fiscal Years and Habitat Type is Mangrove (or something like that). 


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Esri Contributor

Hi Cara, sorry for the slow response on this.  One strategy for this would be to do something like in this example where I have set the year field to be a range between two values.  If your goal is to show all years by default you could have the filter show dates between the first and last fiscal year.  If your goal is to show one year, you could set the start and end year to be the same value.  Either way you should provide some hint text to assist users in exploring the data.  In this case, I created the Year filter first and then type (in this case Fujita Scale) second.  This text is all defined within the map viewer when you are creating the filter. 

Filter Between

You can also provide more custom text within the app above the filter settings.   in this example built using the filter above, you can see the default text "Filter the layer by specifying values."  In this example 2, I've authored some additional helper text add added it via the Filter Text dialog within the app configuration panel.  filter text config

let me know if you have any questions.


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New Contributor III

Thank you for these suggestions! They are very helpful