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Incorrect Spatial Data on Export

12-06-2023 07:38 AM
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New Contributor


I’ve recently come across an error with the AOGL where when I export data I’m getting points which are off by about 50m. When I export to an excel workbook the software generates X,Y coordinates (lat and long) which are incorrect. If I export to shapefile and open the shapefile in QGIS, the points are displayed in an incorrect location on the map.

When importing to an existing mxd in ArcMap using the 'Add Data From ArcGIS Online' function it gave me the correct data initially but this data then somehow changed to the incorrect data. I then created a new mxd and imported the data again and this worked to display the points in the correct location.

However, even in the mxd with the correct points on the map, when I try to generate XY coordinates for the attribute table it gives me incorrect information again (I tried generating in three different coordinate systems WGS84, ESPG 27700 and  EPSG 29902 and they were all wrong).

Does anyone have any idea what is happening here?

Any insight appreciated, cheers.

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