I want all pop-ups to be "docked" by default in my map.
Any ideas?
Here's the map: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/e8b241ce3c59450781cdb63532a33b57 . Since the main purpose of the pop-up is to show a photo, the non-docked popups are always too small.
Unless something has changed, this is not possible. If you need the popups off to the side, consider making an Instant App (several templates can do a popup sidebar of sorts) and embedding that, rather than displaying the map directly. Not an ideal solution.
If you think it would be a useful addition, please upvote this excellent idea over here: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-storymaps-ideas/auto-lock-feature-pop-ups-to-dock/idi-p/1150022
Thanks @jcarlson I'll try that.