I was asked to produce a OGC Service in AGOL, to be accessed by an external partner. Copy of the services's data should not be possible.
The service should:
- be hosted in AGOL, as our AGE servers are only available internally
- display the features with symbology
- copy/export of feature should not be possible
- ideally should allow attribute popups
After many tests, only a WMTS service seems to fill most of my requirements. Unfortunately, no attribute popups are available out of the box for WMTS. According to OGC documentation, it is possible to create a WMTS with the "GetFeatureInfo operation". I could not see info about this in AGOL documentation & forums. Could this be implemented on AGOL?
As an option, I've investigate the possibility to made available a WFS, so that the external partner could have access to some attributes. However, I didn't discover a way to block the possibility to export the features... Even if I did not activate the possibility to edit data when publishing, export the WFS features seems always possible from AGOL and from AG Pro. Am I missing something, or is there a way to prevent the users to get a copy of WFS features?