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Hosted Feature Layer Error: There was an error publishing the service.

12-05-2022 01:19 AM
New Contributor II

Hi all,

I'm having a reoccurring error that I'm hoping one of you very bright people could help me to resolve. I have a couple of excel spreadsheets that don't have location data that I've converted into hosted feature layers so that I can use them for dashboards. Everything normally works well, until down the road come the time when I want to update the data. When I try access the hosted feature layer to see and update the data, I get this error message that says "There was an error publishing the service." And I'm unable to access the data, even though the dashboard that was created with it is still working (for example, This is a big problem for me because I need to be able to update the data annually. I've attached a spreadsheet of the current dataset thats giving me this error (an extremely simple dataset nonetheless, which makes this even more confusing), and a screenshot of the error message.

Thanks so much in advance for your help and support!


25 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

Yes, that is an instant fix.  Good to know.

But the weird part is these layers "fix themselves" after a couple of weeks if you do nothing. Very weird.

New Contributor III

That worked for us. Thanks! The layer was working fine and we were able to edit the data directly in AGO - until suddenly it stopped working. Very odd. I tried to overwrite the xlsx with no luck. Had to delete the spreadsheet entirely.

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New Contributor

I have the same issue. Any update on this?

I am not able to update the feature layer and I already created a web experience from that data. I can't redo all the work. I need to be able to update the layer or replace it without messing up with the web experience.

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New Contributor III

I posted a link to the documentation in a reply to someone else above. It shows you how to create a file geodatabase replica and then upload that one and it won't have the same issues.

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Occasional Contributor II

Yeah, I knew that trick...but I was hoping ESRI had fixed the underlying problem by now.  I might as well wait as the layers do "fix themselves" some time later.  I'm not gonna spend any more time on recreateing the layers when I have them funcional in the map I need for near term use.


Such a weird error!

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Occasional Contributor II


Yep, takes like a week to be messed up, and then ESRI magically fixes them and they work properly again.

Very weird.

Please fix this ESRI, when we make layers, it's because we are likely working on deadline and can't afford this type of error.


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