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Help adding colors to countries by category

12-02-2022 09:13 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Hello, similar to a 2016 post in this community that isnt helpful anymore, I am trying to add different color fills to countries.  Mine is based on the number of regime changes the US has attempted there.  I have copied the data from esri's world countries layer into an excel document and added two more categories one being with integers (# of coup attempts) and the other with strings (dates).  I add the layer by file but perhaps am choosing the incorrect location settings because the tables of the layers are incomplete when added and unusable.  I managed to successfully add all the data once but it is only shown in the table tab, not as a layer, which I think I need it to be so I can add a field and style the polygons of the countries area with varying colors depending on # of attempts.  Any help is appreciated, I am using the browser non-pro version of ArcGis.

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5 Replies
Honored Contributor

Is there a reason you're putting the info in an Excel sheet rather than just adding the fields to the copy of the data? If not, open the layer's item detail page:


Then go to 'Data' and click 'Fields.'


Click 'Add' and set up your field. Repeat for the other field.



Back in the table view, double click the cells to add your values. Return to your map and you should be good to go.

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Emerging Contributor

Wow I didnt know this way to do it, much easier!  However, no "Add" button is to be found on my screen.  Do I need a different version of arcgis?  Thanks for helping me out!

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Honored Contributor

Are you sure you're working on your own copy of the data? If you are using the Living Atlas version (or anybody else's that you don't have edit privileges for), you can't edit that. You'll need to save a copy in your own AGO account by clicking the layer's 3 dots and Save As. Then, you'll make your edits on that version.



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Emerging Contributor

Dang so I am using a copy I made of the layer but theres no add button.

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New Contributor

there is no add button for me either.

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