The goal: to export an csv/excel list of parcel attributes within a select distance of a singular parcel boundary. The less steps/credits to get to output the better.
I am trying to make in web app builder ( I just seem to fight experience builder and am trying to get this done before we renew licenses) a simple map where one of our planning people can export a csv/excel list of the parcels within 250 to 500 ft of a singular parcel. They will need to be able to chose a new singular parcel and be able to change the distance as needed.
This work has previously been done by them on desktop by creating a buffer around a newly exported layer of the singular parcel than selecting the parcels within the buffer. I us the select location tool in pro to facilitate this which is very easy. We are trying to now do this on AGOL if possible.
What I tried:
I was able to easily make a query (widget) that allowed me to select a singular parcel than find all the parcels within the distance and export that to the csv. No credits very simple. But the issue is the distance need to be based on the parcel boundary whereas the widget just does it from wherever you set down the point and makes a radius search. So had to throw that out.
Analysis (widget) tries:
1) Buffer does everything in the layer. The steps I have taken was to use select (widget) to choose singular parcel than export it to a new layer (credit used) than make a buffer around parcel (credit used) but the end result is two new layers and no way to use it to select what is in the buffer area and export it. So that is out.
2) Derive New location. The steps I have taken was to use select (widget) to choose singular parcel than export it to a new layer (credit used) than Derive New location (credit used) which than makes a layer which can be exported to a to a csv by downloading it. I feel this will end up leaving with this user to many files that will than need to be deleted. Also license level for exporting these files and user patience is a question. So this is out.
3) I ran through a number of other likely tools but no luck.
Is there anyway to just do something similar to the query approach but make it go from the polygon area instead of the point radius?
If their isn't I will return to training the user on Pro from Desktop and abandon doing this on AGOL. Thank you for your time.