Hi there,
I am having issues with exporting large feature layers from ArcGIS Online to a geodatabase (there are ALOT of attachements). When I export from the export data button on ArcGIS Online it gives up and corrupts the geodatabase locally or when I try and export using the ArcGIS API for Python it gets stuck. Does anyone have a better solution of exporting their hosted feature layer data to a local drive so they can re-publish?
I have had similar issues in the past and used a combination of ArcPy and ArcGIS API for Python. Do you have access to ArcGIS Pro with a Standard/Advanced licence?
The workflow goes like this....
You have now reassembled an attachment laden feature layer as a feature class in a file geodatabase.
If you have the means to do the above I have code lurking around somewhere Ill dig out and share with you.
I always use this workflow when downloading feature layers, the export button has never worked for large file geodatabases for me.
I often use arcpy.management.Append with preserve GlobalID's to append to local FGDB and/or SDE data.
Not the fastest, but seems to always finish, and the attachments come along with it.
Normally, I am appending to the same FC that I used to create the empty hosted layer, so all the fields, attachment table, etc. match.
I have often used this solution too but found on many occasions it timed out and only a subset appended. I found running this tool in chunks of a couple of thousand records each with around 5 1MB attachments worked great without any timeouts
Thanks, guess I haven't hit the limit yet, but will keep this in mind if/when I do.