I'm curious if someone could help give me some examples of credit utilization for AGOL users that have a Viewer or User role. As an admin, I need to assign credits to my users, but most of the use cases I'm aware of are for Publishers - performing analysis, geocoding, geoenrichment, or anything that creates new feature layers. I know developers are a different story, so right now I'm only interested in workflows solely within ArcGIS Online.
I know access to premium content requires credits, but am unclear the circumstances in which a Viewer's credits would be levied against an application. Same goes with Users.
For example, accessing an application that shows Live Traffic? Would that use credits on behalf of the user?
Related to this: how can I easily see a list of all Premium content in Living Atlas. I'd like to know what layers are available that require credits.
Hi Jay,
This blog offers further insights on monitoring and managing credits.https://esriaustraliatechblog.wordpress.com/2021/06/22/which-arcgis-online-items-are-consuming-the-m...
Please see the youtube video link below for credit management
Try to create a customs member role and don't allocate him any credit and try to access that application. It give you an idea weather it is consuming credits or not