I am trying to create a pie chart in dashboard using arcade.
I am query a layer by a list of values and create some values for the pie.
The basic lines is
var sql = "GlobalID = '" + globalId + "'";
var featureLocation = Filter(fs_location, sql);
where the golbalID change in a loop.
It all works fine when the feature set contain values. The problem is when it return nothing.
I tried "isEmpty(featureLocation)" but it return an error.
I tried some simple loop:
var c = 0
for(var s in featureLocation)
c = c + 1
it return an error too.
Unlike many of the examples I do not have $feature here.
Any good way to understand nothing is coming back and does not get an error?
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Try this:
if(Count(featureLocation) == 0) {
// noting found, return null
return null
This appears to be a problem when filtering by GlobalID. If you put in a filter clause on a field that returns no values (like "var filter = Filter(fs, 'objectid = 0')"), the filter count is 0.
I found out that when the globalID is empty you get an error.
Still the expression GlobalID = '' is valid but any reference to the featureSet it returns (including Count) return an error.
Have you tried checking for null?
if(featureLocation == null || Count(featureLocation) == 0) {
// noting found, return null
return null