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Embedding an app on Website

3 weeks ago
Labels (1)
New Contributor

Hi everyone, 

I am trying to embed an app on a website to share it publically, when I do so (following the instructions from the arcGIS webpage), it comes up with a login window on the website I am trying to embed on. What am I missing here? 

I have successfully embedded a web map onto the same website and never had any issues. I have triple-checked all the sharing levels on all layers so it can't be that. 

Any advice? 

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2 Replies
New Contributor II

Sharing on all layers AND the webmap itself need to be public.

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Esri Contributor

Are any of the layers in your web map(s) coming from another server? (i.e. added via URL?)

If there are secured services present that haven't been added with stored credentials then you'll need to fix this... i.e. Content > New Item > add via URL > store credentials > then add the service back to your web map(s)

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