Do external members bring their licenses?

12-10-2020 03:56 PM
Emerging Contributor

We work with colleagues in other organizations that have their own AGOL licenses and logins. It looks like I can invite them to my organization so they can edit and use services in my organization. Do I have to provide a license (e.g. creator) to a user from another organization who may already have a creator license?

If this was software it feels like I would have to provide them a license for the software even if they already have the software on their machine. 

However, I understand where this would get complicated. To be clear, I really just want them to have view access of a layer I don't really want to share with the public (i.e. public but unpublished would be a naming convention in YouTube or other service). 

It doesn't sound like what I want to do is possible and we need to provide licenses for those individuals but I'm just making sure I understand it. 

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hello Dorn,

When inviting users to your ArcGIS Online organization, you can invite them as a new account or give them the option to join be converting an existing ArcGIS Online public account. As far as I am aware, you cannot invite members from another organization to join your ArcGIS Online organization. Our documentation on inviting/adding members to an ArcGIS Online Organization may be helpful:

Another option may be sharing some of your content to a group, then inviting users belonging to other ArcGIS Online organizations to that group. I always find this article very helpful when getting cross-organization groups set up in ArcGIS Online:


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