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Discontinued Bing Maps and ArcGIS 10.0

01-22-2013 07:33 AM
Occasional Contributor
I'm currently using ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 and saw that complimentary use of Bing Maps will be discontinued in February 2013 and that a key needs to be obtained directly from Microsoft in order to further use Bing Maps with ArcGIS.

Does anyone know how to go about obtaining a key from Microsoft or how much it costs?...or is there an annual fee?

Any information would be great!

Thanks in advance!
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5 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
You'll want to create an Windows Live ID first.  Once you do that, you'll be able to create a key.  It's free, unless you're using more than 125,000 transactions within a 12 month period.  Here's some more information that may be useful on transaction information and usage limits.
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New Contributor II
@jonathan, do you know if this affects ArcGIS online and whether each person in an organization would need a windows account to access maps created for ArcGIS Online access using mobile applications as well?
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Esri Notable Contributor
No, I believe that Bing Maps should be authorized for anyone who accesses them, if the key is created for a public website.
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Esri Notable Contributor
In the next update of the website, we will allow the administrator of an organization to specify a Bing key that will be used by all members of the organization.


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New Contributor II
I hope so...thanks for the info guys
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