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Date Selector in Dashboard is not filtering correctly

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04-15-2021 01:20 PM
New Contributor II

One of our users has a Dashboard with a Data Selector that can filter crime locations by date. When she uses the data selector only crimes that occurred during the date range show up in the map. However, if she clicks on one of the filtered points she sees the popup for all crimes at that location not just the date specific crimes. This is not a problem is Dashboard Classic, but is in the newer version of Dashboard. Is this a known issue?

13 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I have a similar issue but the date selector is not filtering my lists from a layer populated by survey123. The date selector only picks up some of the dates but not all of them. 

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New Contributor II

Might not be related to your issue - but I found an issue where if I filtered my results down using a selector, and there was more than 1000 results - if I tried to highlight the 1000+ records in the map, it would only return a sampling of 1000. It apparently is a setting that you can code in the beginning.

New Contributor

Hi all, 

This issue was gone for a while right after the beta version released, however, it came back! I'm having the same issue. Selector or list filtrations are not reflecting to pop ups. Is there any bug number that we can vote for? 

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New Contributor

Same here : bug always here with ArcGis Enterprise 10.9.1.

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