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Correct invalid geometry for hosted feature layer record

11-18-2023 08:23 AM
MVP Frequent Contributor


I have a hosted feature layer which has been published from Survey123. 


On attempting to manually backup this layer (Export to FGDB) the export fails with a generic error.  Shapefile didn't work, KML worked but had empty output.  non spatial formats worked OK, CSV, JSON etc.

On inspecting the JSON I could see some strange coordinates which may be causing the issue.

I'm in the UK so the Lat Longs will be something like' -2 , 52' all the records show coords around this so nothing stands out.  The obvious exception is a record in the layer which has coord values of of '-260,000 , 52' 


1.  Does anyone have an idea how this could happen from a survey submission?

2.  Also is this a Python/Rest API fix or am I missing something obvious to do to fix it in the AGOL GUI?


Any comments or suggestions at all are much appreciated.


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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Try with ArcGIS Pro Move To editing tool? Select the record from the attribute table

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MVP Frequent Contributor

Thanks.  Was overly cautious to edit it in Pro as it's a Survey123 layer and also the itemID has lots of dependencies if for some horrible reason it were to get republished by Pro.  I used the GUI of the REST API ApplyEdits for the geometry update and it worked great and the backup now works.

Very strange that the Longitude of 1.23456789 came into the layer (from Survey123) as 123456789 i.e. missing the decimal point.  Probably a support request to Esri if it happens again.

applyEdits syntax if useful to anyone:

"attributes": {
"objectid": 1

"geometry": {
"x": 1.23456789,
"y": 9.87654321