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Congrats, ESRI, you made license management in AGOL WORSE

12-06-2018 10:56 AM
Frequent Contributor

Am I the only AGOL org admin that thinks the new interface for managing licenses while prettier, is much LESS usable than it was before?

It wasn't easy to make it worse, but they found a way. Previously, it was clunky and utilitarian, but it allowed one to find new users that needed licenses assigned to them easily enough, which is something I routinely need to do. It was also easy to assign licenses for all Pro extensions with one click when assigning one for Pro.

Now, there is no way to sort or filter in the LM GUIs to find all users that either don't have a particular license or have never used theirs (sorting by "Last Used" was a trick to find folks with no license previously), and each and every Pro extension has its own separate page for managing licenses! That's 13 licenses in addition to Pro that have to be assigned individually in order to give users "the works"!

I realize all of this can be done with Python scripts and am working towards doing that, but until then my job just got harder, not easier.

Esri, here is a suggestion: what Admins REALLY need is the ability to set default licenses for new Enterprise users at account creation, the same way you made it possible for enabling eLearning and setting credit limits (those were much needed and appreciated enhancements). Essentially just allow us to add to the "Included Licenses" category you've created. If all my new users automatically had Pro with all extensions assigned, I wouldn't have to use the manual License Manager GUI much at all, and wouldn't care how much less usable you make it in future attempts to pretty it up.

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8 Replies
Esri Alum

Hi Pat,

Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry that you find the updated UI less intuitive than the previous design. Here are some instructions on how to achieve what you are looking to do. The ability to set default licenses for Enterprise Users who join automatically and are invited is coming soon and is available if you are using an invite workflow for Enterprise Users.

In order to update multiple licenses for multiple members, start from the members page and select all of the users who you would like to assign add-on licenses to and click the manage add-on licenses button:

From the Manage Add-on licenses panel you can assign a pro license and some or all of the extensions and other licenses:

Thanks for the feedback about being able to easily find users who have not been using a specific license or haven't been assigned a license. It is possible to find out when users last used ArcGIS Pro using the license Activity button.

It isn't possible to assign or re-assign add on licenses from this page, nor can you filter by users who don't have licenses. We'll consider ways to improve this in the future. I hope you don't mind if we reach out to you for more feedback about this issue.

 Let us know if there is other functionality that you are looking for. Please feel free to share your feedback or other workflows that would make administration more streamlined.


Frequent Contributor

Thanks Kelly,

Your explanation is helpful and does address some of the shortcomings I so grumpily pointed out.

I don't see where in the Enterprise User invitation workflow I can set default licenses for new users, but perhaps I misinterpreted your statement that it is (currently) available.

Managing licenses from the members GUI is certainly counter-intuitive given the previous design, but it looks like at least multiple licenses can be assigned to multiple users there (although one can only view 50 users at a time). Seems like the filtering options should include Group as well as those offered.

In any event, now that I understand how it works (thank you) it's not as bad as I made it out to be, but still a step backwards in some areas IMO.



0 Kudos
Esri Alum

Hi Pat,

Sorry my bad, including add-on licenses with Enterprise login invitations isn't available yet. It is something that we are actively working on so I miss-spoke/typed.

Are you able to share your ideal desired experience for inviting users to your organization/providing licenses. If it's easier to talk through than write, let me know and I can set up a call.



0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

Thanks again Kelly-

My ideal desired experience is probably no different that of many other org admins:

  • One in which I can do administrative tasks in the most automated way possible, and if I must do things manually, it should take the fewest clicks possible.
  • As we've already discussed, it would be great to be able to configure default "add-on" licenses for all new users, which it sounds like is coming (yay!)
  • I'd like to be able to filter and sort the user base and content by any/multiple attribute(s) in every management interface, including the use of wildcards. Nothing groundbreaking, just the same type of query and selection tools one would expect with any database, like the ones in ArcGIS.
  •   I'd like some tools for email/push notification triggers based on various types of events (mainly credit use-related, but perhaps others as well).
  • It would be great if important stats (besides credit use) were logged and could be summarized/displayed without employing the Python API/scripting (but it's good that it is at least possible with the API).

I'm sure I could come up with more, but the above would be a great start and go a long way to making AGOL administration more pleasant. Thanks for the opportunity to share my "wish list" with you! Perhaps others reading this thread will add their own...



MVP Regular Contributor

Hi Kelly,

I would like to echo Pat's comments. In particular, the lack of support for automatically assigning a default set of entitlements to a new enterprise login. In other words, the first time an enterprise user logs into a component of the ArcGIS platform, they would get immediate access to a predefined combination of ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, GeoPlanner, Business Analyst, Insights, etc. They would get the access when they need it, rather than placing a barrier in their way, and generating an extra, per-user administrative burden on the institution. (This is for enterprise logins, not arcgis logins.)

Addressing that need (as it sounds like you might in the next release?) will also eliminate a number of related issues; issues which typically only occur as a result of people struggling to deal with that simple piece of missing functionality.

Whether an institution implements scripting or manual workarounds for that missing piece, it generates a number of additional failure points and/or extra work. Not what one expects from software sold as an enterprise-class, scalable, Software as a Service (SaaS) system.

The introduction of User Types perhaps is a step toward solving the problem, but it doesn't at the moment. I suspect the introduction of user types is setting up some longer-term changes? Otherwise, like Pat, I find it to be confusing, and I am failing to the see the benefit at the moment...

If you do not plan to implement a way to specify a default set of entitlements for enterprise logins in the next release, then perhaps the user type capability can be leveraged instead? Since you can specify a default user type for a new enterprise login, will you be adding the ability for administrators to define a custom user typer?

That would lead to a relatively simple, yet powerful, workflow for Administrators: they would create a custom user type, set the desired combination of entitlements for that user type (from all available in the instance, not just Pro), and then set that user type as the default for new enterprise logins. Then, when a new enterprise login hits the system the first time -- and automated join is configured -- they can start working right away, without being stuck waiting on an automated script or manual intervention by an admin.

On the enterprise login configuration page you can specify that a new user can join automatically, and default values for Role, Group(s), credit quota, Esri Access, etc., but not a default set of entitlements. To get around this oversight, some institutions, including mine, periodically run an automated Python script to provide the missing license auto-provisioning capability.

Requiring an institution to have to perform this task using a script is, I believe, the largest, single barrier to broader adoption of the ArcGIS platform in the educational realm. (I suspect it is, or will be soon, a barrier for any large customer, education sector or otherwise, that needs to automate things, after they enable enterprise logins.

Having to know scripting to have a scalable system, that provides a basic level of functionality, is not a typical expectation for SaaS. Furthermore, many people tasked with ArcGIS Online Administration, in education or otherwise, are not possessed of the level of scripting expertise required. You cannot have thousands of users dependent on a script hacked together from examples in the ArcGIS API for Python. Such a script needs to be to robust, secure, scalable, provide logging, handle exceptions, etc., if it is to be successful and reliable in an enterprise environment.

Additionally, if scripting isn't an option for an institution, then the manual management requirements scale linearly with the number of users. The more users, the more administrative workload; again, not a typical expectation for a SaaS system.

If the issue with automated licensing/entitlements were addressed, then the requirement for scripting expertise and/or cumbersome, manual management would be eliminated, or significantly reduced. This change would enable the many institutions with ArcGIS administrators, who don't have the time for manual tasks, nor the scripting expertise, to empower all their members with access to ArcGIS.

There will always be the occasional exception of course. This functionality, however, is about setting the majority of the institutions implementing ArcGIS up for success, rather than failure, as they scale-up access across their organizations.

Enabling enterprise logins, or Single-Sign-On, is also a barrier for some institutions, however, it is one with a clear solution, once the right people at an institution are involved in the conversation. Simply enabling enterprise logins, however, without also being able to auto-provision entitlements, still leaves one with the significant barrier of manual effort or scripting to support broad adoption.

Currently many institutions are trapped by the "more users, more time commitment" issue. That approach does not scale. Rather, it sets up an institution for failure; or, just as bad, forces them to implement a digital divide; creating an environment of haves and have-nots, where, even though they have an institution-wide license, some users get access while others are denied.

Thanks for reaching out here for input on this topic. Hope you find the above helpful as you plan the next release!


Occasional Contributor

I'd like to add my full agreement to everything Peter has taken the time to point out in this discussion.   At my institution, we follow a similar approach to Peter (using a modified version of the same Python code), by running a script within a cron job that looks for new users and then assigns them the entitlements that can't be set as defaults via the AGOL administrative GUI.  As Peter points out, our approach is a bit of a workaround, insofar as we assign each auto-provisioned Enterprise Login user a temporary "New User" role that serves as a flag for the ArcGIS Python API script to enumerate the new users since the last run, and then assign the entitlements that, by all rights, ought to be available to the named users at the moment of account provisioning, instead of after a delay of a few minutes between cron job runs.  

The point raised in this thread that Enterprise-grade SaaS solutions should not require out-of-band configuration tweaks to deliver basic functionality is one that's worth echoing.  The promise of Enterprise Logins is that an institution can bring their own identity management infrastructure and with that, the expectation that when a user enters the system for the first time, they'll actually be able to use it.   This is not currently the case; the Python API user management workflows implemented at Michigan and Virginia Tech are performing the function of completing the delivery of baseline functionality, not, as would normally be expected of such under the hood tinkering, enhancing functionality in ways that a SaaS vendor could not reasonably be expected to deliver by default at user provisioning time.  

From an IT process standpoint, the fact that ArcGIS Online doesn't "work" out of the box (in the sense that a named user, once provisioned, can immediately access and fully leverage the capabilities of the platform) means that another layer of software (our Python API workarounds) and the systems that run it must be jointly managed with the SaaS components, and because our out of band code is not an integral part of the platform, its existence, importance, or operating principles may not be not immediately obvious to others who might be tasked with administering the system in the case of staff turnover.  Certainly, documentation of modifications to enterprise systems is an integral part of performing such modifications, and that's on us, but the point here is that the administrative footprint of AGOL is larger than meets the eye as a "wrapper" of utility scripts are grafted around the SaaS core to redress the deficiencies of the latter, and the possible ways the system can break expand with the introduction of custom utility scripts that may have their own, non-obvious failure modes.

I would go a step farther than Peter in advocating for yet another piece of missing functionality - the ability to pre-provision named users from an Enterprise Login identity store without any action on the part of the user themselves.  Currently, brittle and hackish as it may be, our Python-based entitlement assignment workaround does solve the "linear scalability" problem of entitlement assignment, and provides named users with the illusion that everything "just works" (within 0-5 minutes of them logging in for the first time) but, critically, this only happens after the user has logged into the organization for the first time.   Frequently, we as org admins get requests to set up groups for classes, research teams, special projects, etc., and regardless of whether one is using an invitation workflow or named user auto-provisioning, we can't do anything (add entitlements, assign group membership, etc) until the user (who may be on a geographically dispersed team, have varying levels of IT literacy, or lack a compulsive e-mail checking habit) has taken the affirmative step of pointing their browser at our organization.   Since we are bringing our own identities with Enterprise Logins, we know who these people are, but we lack the ability to initiate the process that links Enterprise Identity <> with Named User <user_virginiatech>, which is a prerequisite step to entitlement assignment and everything that is currently being discussed in this thread.  

There are best practices for identity and license management in the broader non-geospatial SaaS enterprise systems space, and while, to ESRI's credit, they have incorporated many of these over the years, a good development target for future AGOL releases would be a state of affairs in which a named user can be created from a previously known enterprise identity and fully endowed with the privileges they should have as a user of ArcGIS Online without either a) end user intervention or b) out of band scripting.  

-- Seth Peery, Virginia Tech

Frequent Contributor

Thank You Peter & Seth!

Very well stated.

I'll add the pre-provisioning capability Seth described to my wish need list as well, for the same reasons he explained. It should be possible to create named users (and assign group as well as entitlements) from our existing enterprise identity store, rather than wait for users to sign in for the first time. In addition to the chicken-egg problem of group & entitlement assignment this would also eliminate issues with invitations expiring before users accept them (for those using Enterprise invites).

-Pat Iampietro

California State University, Monterey Bay

Frequent Contributor

Update on an old thread after discussion with ESRI-

So the most recent attempt to address the need for default entitlement assignment for new enterprise users seems to be the creation of more "User Types", that will each have a specific set of associated entitlements. However, this is apparently months (maybe many) away from being rolled out. Not sure why the solution to this problem is dependent on giving us more ways to categorize our users rather than just simply exposing the entitlements in the enterprise login defaults in the same manner as credit limits, default groups, and the like.

Likewise, the user search and filter capabilities remain weak at best. No wildcards. Searching full or last name with a partial string works, but only works when searching username if the string is the first characters of the username. No way to search for users with or without a specific entitlement. Can only search by a single attribute, name (full, user, first or last). For a company that certainly understands how search should work, ESRI's implementation of search for AGOL admins is laughable.

The need for pre-provisioning brought up by Seth has been underscored for us this semester as well. Our current workflow for supporting instructors wishing to use AGOL in their courses is to create a group for each course manually, and wait for the instructor to provide us a list of student email addresses once enrollment stabilizes after the first couple class meetings (or prior, if AGOL is needed on day 1). We send enterprise invites to the students and have them automatically added to the appropriate groups as they sign in for the first time. Aside from the students that fail to respond before their invites expire, this works fairly well for first-time invites, but fails miserably for students that are already in our org. The system does not warn the admin that some percentage of the students being invited are already members, nor does it add those users to the new course group automatically. I'm not even sure if it sends the invites. But the result is that many invited users remain in the "pending members" status, either because the invite was never sent, or the user never responded. The only workaround we've developed is to wait a couple days and then search the member list for each of the "pending" members, and manually add them to the appropriate course group(s) if they exist (hence our continuing and increasing frustration with the poor search functionality). This user chicken-egg dilemma is yet another problem that scales particularly poorly. The more our org grows, the worse it gets. Enterprise user creation needs to be decoupled from the need for a response from the user, and the process needs to be smart enough to reconcile account creation against existing members.

Again, we realize that there are scripting workarounds as well as paid 3rd-party apps such as GeoJobe's Admin Tools (we use the free version a lot), but ESRI should be striving to make their software work without the need for outside help. As it is, AGOL falls far short of this.