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Configure Custom Popup

07-08-2022 10:55 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have made a custom popup window to show only the fields that have data in them but some fields only have data on a few records. Is there any way to configure the popup window to only show fields if/when there is data in them? In other words, if the field is blank for a particular point then don't show that field in the popup. When another point is selected that has data in the field, then display it. I was thinking of an expression something like (pseudo code): if {field_name} = True: (has data in it) Display = True, else: Display = false

Please forgive my lack of programming expertise.

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New Contributor III

Hi, and yes. This is called "Conditional popup display". There are lots of resources for helping with this. It's done in Arcade. Do a search in this community for conditional attribute display and see this blog also to get started:

Conditional Field display with Arcade in Pop Ups - Esri Community

Here's an example of Arcade for an empty field:

Iif(IsEmpty(Trim($feature.URLCleanup)), "none", "table-row")

Hope that helps!

