I have made a custom popup window to show only the fields that have data in them but some fields only have data on a few records. Is there any way to configure the popup window to only show fields if/when there is data in them? In other words, if the field is blank for a particular point then don't show that field in the popup. When another point is selected that has data in the field, then display it. I was thinking of an expression something like (pseudo code): if {field_name} = True: (has data in it) Display = True, else: Display = false
Please forgive my lack of programming expertise.
Hi, and yes. This is called "Conditional popup display". There are lots of resources for helping with this. It's done in Arcade. Do a search in this community for conditional attribute display and see this blog also to get started:
Conditional Field display with Arcade in Pop Ups - Esri Community
Here's an example of Arcade for an empty field:
Iif(IsEmpty(Trim($feature.URLCleanup)), "none", "table-row")
Hope that helps!