Capability to publish web maps from Personal ArcGIS Online

06-26-2012 09:26 AM
New Contributor III
Prior to the new ArcGIS Online release a couple of weeks ago, you couldn�??t publish your own My Content-created maps as web services maps, correct? You previously could �??share�?� your content with kludgey layer packages that had to be downloaded, and that�??s when I lost interest some time ago. With personal AGOL accounts, I understand that there is a 2GB limitation and that the services have to be publicly published, but this is not a bad tradeoff at all for all the advantages web map services intrinsically have. Have I been missing this for months/years, or indeed has the web maps publishing capability just been added to AGOL?
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4 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
No, you could share web maps all along. However, there is a difference between a web map and a map service. A web map contains a set of layers derrived from shapefiles, CSVs, KML, WMS, GPX, ArcGIS Server map services, and now, ArcGIS Online hosted map services. There are some limitations in terms of the size of shapefiles, CSVs, KML, and GPX data that you can display in your web map.

If you want to create your own map services, you can now purchase a subscription to ArcGIS Online. This allows you to create web services out of your data. For example, you can publish your map from ArcGIS Desktop and turn it into a service. Previously, you had to have your own server machines and ArcGIS Server to do so.

Hope this helps,

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: rstricklan

Thanks, Mike. I'm presenting a web mapping workshop next month at the Survey Summit, so I want to make sure that my Esri terminology is correct. Correct me if I�??m wrong, but I was under the impression that, prior to the latest version of Personal ArcGIS Online, if you added your own content to an Esri basemap, and absent publishing and referencing it as a web service from ArcGIS Server or a WMS from something like GeoServer, it could be shared as a web map only if were downloadable as a layer package to a client like ArcMap or ArcGIS Explorer that could interpret and assemble it from the downloaded content package. That is, you couldn�??t type a URL into a browser and see your custom content web map.

Maybe the best way to ask this is how long have the Share Application options of �??embed in Website�?� and �??Make a Web Application�?� been available in the personal version of ArcGIS Online (attached image)?
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Esri Notable Contributor
The embed and make web application options have been around a while now. I think embed was there from the beginning, make a web app, maybe a year?

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: rstricklan

I need to get out more :D. Thank you for the prompt and informative responses, Mike.

Rudy Stricklan
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