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Cannot append data from ArcGIS Pro to hosted feature layer

04-05-2024 11:18 AM
New Contributor

I have a lot of hosted feature layers that I am maintaining on a daily basis. Today I have experienced that I cannot append data to my layers anymore. Am I missing something?


My workflow is adding the hosted feature to ArcGIS Pro, deleting all rows in the attribute table, and then appending all new data from our internal enterprise database. I am doing it this way, because I've had troubles in the past with overwriting the layers (symbology messes up, data ends up missing).


However, it runs, and gives med the green operation complete sign without any errors, but the dataset is still blank.


Any help will be greatly appreciated!

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8 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Did you recently update pro? What version of pro and enterprise are you using?

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New Contributor

ArcGIS Pro is updated whenever a new patch is available.

The enterprise version is 11.0.0 (build 35046).


Should I try exporting the data to a file geodatabase, and then appending?

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Emerging Contributor

I had a very similar issue on Friday with the "green operation complete sign without any errors but the database is still blank" showing up on screen while trying to overwrite my web layer . Everything appeared to work fine but I then discovered I had no data. However, the symbology and field alias all showed up correctly. My work around was to append the data in but that did not work correctly either and gave me a "database error during feature draw" error for unknown reasons in ArcGIS Pro. Currently, I can render the data in ArcGIS Pro but can't render the data at all in AGOL. However, I can see it correctly in the attribute table and the symbology looks correct in the legend. I wonder if this is related to the issue from a week ago. I called in a ticket to ESRI and they are working on it.

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Emerging Contributor

We're experiencing this same problem with a model. Did you ever find a fix or a workaround? 

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Frequent Contributor

I am currently experiencing this running ArcGIS Pro 3.2. I am using a model builder that deletes rows and then appends to the existing feature layer and I get 750 features when I should have 850. Not sure what is happening. 

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Emerging Contributor

I just completely rebuilt the service. The append operation never worked correctly for me. I worked with an ESRI rep who said that the service had become corrupted and nothing could be done to fix it.

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Frequent Contributor

It seems like mine might be corrupted as well. I am worried that this will happen on a scheduled run of the model builder too over time... I will republish the layer and see if it works though. Thanks for that input! 

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Emerging Contributor

Found a work around for this issue. It's slightly annoying, but it works.

1.) Create a file geodatabase with a feature class that is a carbon copy of the feature class in your Enterprise geodatabase. 

2.) Append the data from your Enterprise geodatabase feature class to the feature class in your new file geodatabase. 

3.) Append the data from the file geodatabase to the hosted feature layer. 

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