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Can not save my web maps

12-13-2013 09:22 AM
New Contributor
I am unable to save my online maps which is created through ArcGIS Online service. I tried to click on the save menu. For the first and second times, there was no response. It popped up a window on the third click. After I entered necessary info and clicked the save button, it was showing "Saving map to my content", but it was stuck there and no response any more.

I did successfully save my maps about one week ago in the say way. But don't know why it is not working now. I guess there might be some problems with your servers?
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30 Replies
Occasional Contributor II
Tried in every browser. Still not working.
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Esri Notable Contributor

What kind of account do you have?
Can you try aggressively clearing your browser cache?


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Occasional Contributor II
I have an organization account.  Just cleared my dice.
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Esri Notable Contributor

You aggressively cleared your cache? In Chrome, it's "since the beginning of time", deleted all saved content, etc?

So you can't see any of your content or groups?
Is everyone in your organization having this problem or just you?
Do you recall when you were last able to access your content?
Have you made any changes that could have affected your access?

I suggest you call Esri Technical Support. The issue appears to be beyond what we can solve in the forums.


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Esri Notable Contributor

We have found this public map authored by you:

where it can't be saved. It turns out there is a problem with the layer, one of the features in it has a null geometry. We can make a fix to work around the problem, but the real problem is how did the layer end up this way.

How did you add this layer to the map? Did you upload a shapefile? There may be an error in the shapefile.
Did you subsequently edit the layer in the web map?

If you have the original data to share, we can take a look.

Also, we can fix this web map and remove the bad feature (you can't see it anyway). Let us know.


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New Contributor

Thanks for the insight, After looking back at my data I found the null value you were talking about.  Not sure how that ended up there, but I deleted it out. and reloaded the shapefile ( I upload a zipped shapefile) and it seems to be working now.  The error must have come about in my last upload.  But anyway, that seems to have solved my problem, and like you said it wasn't something visible.  Thanks again for your help Mike

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Occasional Contributor II
I did clear my cache. 

It is similar to one of the other posts.  After I try to save AGOL freezes some components of the map (groups, my content, ect..) I can still do a "save as" which makes a copy of the map but I have a web making application based on the map I am trying to change. AGOL was working fine for me until yesterday. I will send out some emails this morning to see if other folks in the city I work for are having the same problem.
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New Contributor
Hi Mike,

I tried to do "Save As" for this web map:

But there was no response at all, would you please help check if this is because there are something wrong with the map layers? Or else it is the problem of ArcGIS Online itself?


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Occasional Contributor II
After checking out the rest of my maps it is clear that any map where I uploaded a shapefile can no longer be saved.  Any map where the map service is on our server is fine.  So Mike, does that mean I have to remake all of those maps? They worked last week. I guess it has to do with the new update.
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Esri Notable Contributor

Can you share one of your maps publicly so I can try to do Save As?


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