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ArcGis Online Requiring Login

09-14-2021 03:51 PM
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New Contributor

Hi everyone,

I had an issue with publishing a webapp through ArcGIS Online a month or 2 ago. Everything was fine until it suddenly required organization access login. From the forums here, I was able to see it was due to some layer that was no longer publicly shared or was pulled from the hosted server. 

I tried to deduct which layer it was by removing layer by layer at a time, only to see even after removing all layers, it was still requesting a login! This made me think it was pulled from the hosted server, so it would no longer appear in my web map and webapp, but would still cause the login issue. However, if that is the case, how am I supposed to remove the layer causing the issue if it no longer appears in my web map or web app?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as this is a concern of mine while working on future web apps, and is making me wonder if back-ups are necessary in case this happens again.

Thank you,


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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

@XiuAlexXu  do you have any services being consumed in any of your app widgets that might also be secure? A common mistake is if you have a filter widget or Search widget consuming something from a feature server that isn't in the map. 

Or possibly a custom basemap in your basemap gallery that isn't shared correctly?

..Maps with no limits..
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New Contributor

Hi David,

When I was working on the web app. The only widget that I used to pull information from other layers would be the query widget. However, the query was used only to query my personal layers that I created, uploaded and set to public. I was not using a custom basemap either, so I don't think either of those would have caused the issue.


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