Hello AGOL Team,
We recently discovered an issue when transferring user's content form the org's admin member page.
When creating the transfer we get this confirmation:
After 15 mins of waiting we noticed that some content still had not been transferred. We never received a message of error on this screen.
When going into the user's content and manually transferring, this was the only time we were able to see that an error existed:
Please add these error messages as part of the Admin content transfer screen under Organization> Member management.
Thank you,
Amanda Huber
Have you managed to get this resolved?
Based on the error message I would add the new owner of the item to the group or remove the item from the group reassign and put back into the group.
HI @DanielFox1,
No, I don't believe this has been resolved yet. I'll note I haven't tested since the February update, but tested just before that and this was still an issue. ☹