I just submitted helpdesk ticket for this issue - but I'm curious if anyone else is seeing it.
When I try to create a Story Map in the ArcGIS Online interface - it is creating duplicate empty Story Map project.
Example: https://stolaf.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=5f5e20e6-073c-4ec5-b589-b09600f396d9
I've noticed it does it about 90% of the time (sometimes if I try to create a 2nd one, it won't duplicate, but then if I do a 3rd one it will)
In the https://storymaps.arcgis.com/ site version is looks like this
For a second I thought I was creating projects and forgot to name them. But it's definitely creating duplicate projects.
Spoke with tech support and the bug ticket is current set to "In Product Plan"