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ArcGIS Online client filtering broken

Labels (2)
MVP Regular Contributor


We have a point ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Layer that has been published for 6+ months. 

Recently it was noticed that client-side filtering is not returning the correct results. e.g. if we have 1000 features with value 'X' in a layer with 10,000 features, we would expect 1000 features to show on the map when the filter of Field=X is applied.

However when applying the filter of Field = X, only 500 of these 1000 features show on the map in some 'soft' filter contexts.

This issue only occurs when the filter is not saved within the map/view e.g.:

  • The Hosted Feature Layer View filter map preview pane
  • The Map Viewer filter preview pane
  • Dashboards/Apps client user filtering

It does work correctly when:

  • Used as a label
  • The filter is saved at a map level
  • The filter is saved at a view level (it's just the preview that suggests only 500 features will show, but then the saved view has all 1000 features).

There's no discernable reason for the data to filter incorrectly as the values show count correctly, label correctly and also work in the contexts stated above.

We've also tried re-indexing the data, removing the index and re-adding the index.

Has anyone else experienced this issue or have any suggestions as to what might be the cause?

The timing of noticing this issue aligns with the June 2024 ArcGIS Online update. I understand there were some changes to filtering. This could be a red herring.



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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

Can you share your web map/layer and I can take a look? You can share it to a group and invite russell_jsapi into it. thanks!  

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