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ArcGIS Online cannot add enterprise user with hyphen in email address

12-01-2019 04:36 PM
Occasional Contributor II

When "inviting" users to join our ArcGIS Online organisation with the option "Add members using their enterprise ID", it works for most of the users. They receive and email, click on the link in the email, and the account gets created. They can then log in using their Active Directory credentials.

However, one of the users has a hyphenated surname, and the hyphen is included in their email address. When this user clicks on the link in their invitation email, they get the following error:


Error in accepting invitation for user '', Invitation Id '15a11bf4Ae7bfaaa8bc29422cb7d28de9' Cannot accept invitation.

User email must match invitation email.

Note that the username (which is the concatenated email address, underscore, and organisation name) has the hyphen replaced with an underscore.

It has the correct email address, as the user received the email, and it is still listed correctly with the hyphen in the list of "Pending Members". So it is only in this username that it has been changed to an underscore.

I understand that hyphens are not permitted in the username. That's fine. But are they also not permitted in the email address? Surely it should accept any valid email address?

How can I get this user registered with their enterprise login on our ArcGIS Online organisation without creating a new email alias for the user?

(Note that I'm aware of the option to "Add members using their enterprise ID without sending invitations". I do not know if this would resolve the issue or not, but I have been unable to use this option due to a separate problem which is still unanswered at:  ArcGIS Online “Add members using their enterprise ID” - what value to use for “Enterprise ID”? )

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4 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Tasmanian Irrigation, 

I also posted on the other post referenced here, but wanted to follow up on this as well. I think you may be running into a discrepancy between the email address the invitation was sent to and email attribute returned from ADFS. ArcGIS Online as the Service Provider (SP) does not have information about what these values are and wouldn't be modifying them. You can use a plugin like SAML Message Decoder - Chrome Web Store to observe the SAML attributes the ADFS server passes. You may also consider getting in contact with Esri Australia Support and they can help troubleshoot to confirm that the ArcGIS Online side of things is working as expected. 

Travis Shore‌ might be able to elaborate on some of what I've said here as well. 

Hope that helps,


Occasional Contributor II

Thanks.  I've replied in that other topic, as I've now got the Enterprise ID issue sorted out.

Since I can now add this user with their hyphenated email address, (using the manual method), it's worth noting that the automatically generated username for this user is:  Fred.Bloggs-Smith@workplace.com_WorkPlace

Ie, WITH the hyphen and NOT the underscore!

It is also capitalised as shown, despite the email address having been originally entered in all lower case in the AGOL form (and still all lowercase in the AGOL profile).  Therefore I'm convinced that AD is sending back the information with hyphen, not underscore.  I reckon AGOL has some procedure which cannot handle the hyphen as replaced it with an underscore.

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I will investigate the hyphen in the email internally - thanks for reporting the outcome here. If I can get to the bottom of it I'll make sure to post the result.



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Occasional Contributor

Four years and this is still an issue!