I have a Hosted Feature Layer in ArcGIS Online on which I created an Arcade expression to "classify" data for symbolization.
The expression works ok but it looks like to fetch 2000 features only, randomly, for symbolization. As follows:
However, if the layer contains more than 2000 features, symbolization is likely to be wrong because it only "fetches" 2000 features.
For example, if the layer contains 150000+ features, symbolization shows as:
Then, the Arcade expression for symbolization becomes useless!
Is it a known issue? Is there any workaround to overcome this 2000 features limitations?
Any help appreciated.
What is the expression you're using? I've not run into the same situation, and Arcade-based symbology on a large number of features hasn't caused any issues for me.
You may wish to take a look at the Expects function. By telling Arcade what fields to look at first, it should pull in all the data, and thus give you all the possible return values.
Nothing special in the Arcade expression, just trying to parse a date field in order to display previous day (Recent) features differently than others (Historic):
var date_text = $feature.DATETIME
//Parsing DATETIME date
var datetime_list = Split(date_text, "T")
var date_list = Split(datetime_list[0], "-")
var year_val = date_list[0]
var month_val = date_list[1]
var day_val = date_list[2]
//Caution: months are 0 to 11
var movement = Date(year_val, month_val-1, day_val)
//Current day
var display=Today()
var yesterday=DateDiff(display, movement, 'days')
decode(yesterday, 1,'Recent','Historic')