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ArcGIS online and ArcMap

04-24-2023 06:10 AM
New Contributor

Hello everyone, I recently got hired for a job in the environmental industry and the department that I am working for has no one experienced in using any ArcGIS technologies. I've come to realize that they want me to eventually work my way up to be a "power user" for ArcGIS. During college I took a few courses in ArcGIS that utilized ArcGIS online but the company uses ArcMap as their main GIS application which has a slightly different layout. So my main questions are, are many of the skills and tools that I learned through ArcGIS online translatable to the ArcMap application? What are some good resources to get myself up to speed in ArcMap?

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2 Replies
New Contributor

Hi budvesota. I'd recommend taking a look at the Esri Academy. There is a substantial amount of training available there (both online and in-person courses), ranging from general introductions to GIS/Esri software, through to more specific training on specialist tools.

Support for ArcMap is being phased out, so it may be better to invest your time in training for ArcGIS Pro instead.

Occasional Contributor


If your organization is a licensed user of ESRI's ArcGIS suite of products, I would strongly recommend the training sources (Learn ArcGIS and ESRI Academy) for ArcGIS Pro.  ArcMap is no longer updated.  The ArcGIS Pro tutorials are a good way to get up to speed quickly and most, if not all, of the tutorials will demonstrate how to share your maps up to the ArcGIS Online environment.  Your organization should have a point of contact at ESRI; click the My ESRI link.  Good luck.

Jim Wooten