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ArcGIS Instant Apps - Sidebar type - Show Table tool not working?

11-13-2022 10:48 AM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

I am using the ArcGIS Online Instant Apps Sidebar type.  I noticed that the 'Show Tables' option is available when configuring, however, when I activate this tool and publish, I do not see any way to access the table in the app.  In the 'Web App Builder days', you were able to configure which layers you wanted to have shown as a table within the app and there was a button on the bottom of the app to show the tables.  The documentation for this app doesn't say anything about the 'Show table' option, but does mention the ability to show tables via the 'Layer list' option, but, I don't see a way to identify which layers you want to expose the table for.

Is there something I'm missing?  Thanks!

From the documentation:

  • Layer list—Displays a list of layers with icons to turn visibility off and on in the map. You can choose which layers to include in the tool at runtime. This setting also allows opening a layer's attribute table, which includes an option for users to export records as a CSV file.







4 Replies
New Contributor

Hey @DanielHoffman73

Do your layers allow null values? 

The reason I ask is that I have a web map with the same layers but one does not allow nulls and the other does: 


The one that allows nulls, displays the table. 

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Regular Contributor

I am having this same issue. Were you ever able to figure it out?

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Occasional Contributor

I'm having a similar issue. After enabling "Show table" under the layer list, one of my layers shows the "table" button in the app, but the other doesn't.

They are both views of hosted feature layers, with no difference in settings that I can find (either in the layer settings or in the web map). And to cmcc above - both of my layers have multiple fields that allow null values, so that doesn't seem to make a difference for me.

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Occasional Contributor

Update: Today, I was able to switch layers under the "Layer list configuration" and turn on the "Show table" option for both layers that I want to show the table for. I was not able to do this successfully yesterday, so maybe something changed. Hoping it holds!

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