Hi there, Not sure the best place to post this. Just need a fresh set of eyes. Still new to Arcade and want to get a calculated expression going in my form in MapViewer.
Have I set this up right? I'm not getting an output.
var A = $feature.A
var B = $feature["B_B"]
var PA_EF = When(
A=='010417192124' && B == 'Pre2000s', 2.3, 22222)
return PA_EF
The first set of numbers there is a concatenated string. That's why I've put ''.
Also, this ultimately outputs into a double field. The default answer (22222), does that have to be a number or can I put 'No value'?
Solved! Go to Solution.
The When() function is set up correctly. If you don't get output, try these:
var A = $feature.A
var B = $feature["B_B"]
if(A=='010417192124' && B == 'Pre2000s') {
return 2.3
return 22222
does that have to be a number or can I put 'No value'?
It has to be a number. So either a default value like your 22222 (or the more common 99999) or you could return null, which leaves the field empty.
The When() function is set up correctly. If you don't get output, try these:
var A = $feature.A
var B = $feature["B_B"]
if(A=='010417192124' && B == 'Pre2000s') {
return 2.3
return 22222
does that have to be a number or can I put 'No value'?
It has to be a number. So either a default value like your 22222 (or the more common 99999) or you could return null, which leaves the field empty.
Thanks @JohannesLindner . This was really helpful. I think I've been having issues because Map Viewer is slow/not always implementing the expression at the moment due to the upgrade and what I shared was a simplified/shorter version.