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Arcade Pop-up Element Not Returning Field Values

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10-19-2023 12:04 PM
Labels (3)
Frequent Contributor

I've put the following Arcade in an Arcade pop-up element for this layer. In the configuration view of the popup the type and address fields return properly but when I click out of the configuration view the type and address views stop returning.

Is there a different way I should be specifying these fields? It seems like there should be a better way than defining all the fields I want to use as variables.




var furl = IIf((!IsEmpty($feature.Website) && Left(Lower($feature.Website), 4)=='http'), $feature.Website, Concatenate(['https://', $feature.Website]))
Console('original url ', $feature.Website)
Console('furl ',furl)

var website = IIf(IsEmpty($feature.Website), "", `<br><a href="${furl}"><strong>Website Link</strong></a>`)

var grades = IIf((IsEmpty($feature.Grade_Lowest_NS12) || IsEmpty($feature.Grade_Highest_NS12) || $feature.Grade_Lowest_NS12==-99 || $feature.Grade_Highest_NS12==-99),
                    "", `<br><strong>Grades:</strong> {Grade_Lowest_NS12} - {Grade_Highest_NS12}&nbsp;`)

return {
    type : 'text',
    text : `<p>
    <strong>Type:</strong> {Type}${grades}${website}
    {Site_Address_Line1} {Site_Address_Line2}
    {Site_City}, {Site_State} {Site_Zipcode}
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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Try this script

var furl = IIf((!IsEmpty($feature.Website) && Left(Lower($feature.Website), 4)=='http'), $feature.Website, Concatenate(['https://', $feature.Website]))

var website = IIf(IsEmpty($feature.Website), "", `<br><a href="${furl}"><strong>Website Link</strong></a>`)

var grades;
if(!IsEmpty($feature.Grade_Lowest_NS12) && $feature.Grade_Lowest_NS12 > -99) grades += ` <br><strong>Grades:</strong> ${$feature.Grade_Lowest_NS12}`
iif(!IsEmpty($feature.Grade_Highest_NS12) && $feature.Grade_Highest_NS12 > -99, grades += ` - ${$feature.Grade_Highest_NS12}&nbsp;`, `&nbsp;`)
return {
    type : 'text',
    text : `<p>
    <strong>Type:</strong> ${$feature.Type} ${grades}${website}
    ${$feature.Site_Address_Line1} ${$feature.Site_Address_Line2}
    ${$feature.Site_City}, ${$feature.Site_State} ${$feature.Site_Zipcode}

View solution in original post

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3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Hard to say, really. If that's the literal text of your popup, though, don't you need those address fields to be $feature.Site_Address_Line1, etc? Putting the attribute name in brackets doesn't usually work unless you're configuring a text item for your popup. Since you're using an Arcade element, you probably need the full attribute notation.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Try this script

var furl = IIf((!IsEmpty($feature.Website) && Left(Lower($feature.Website), 4)=='http'), $feature.Website, Concatenate(['https://', $feature.Website]))

var website = IIf(IsEmpty($feature.Website), "", `<br><a href="${furl}"><strong>Website Link</strong></a>`)

var grades;
if(!IsEmpty($feature.Grade_Lowest_NS12) && $feature.Grade_Lowest_NS12 > -99) grades += ` <br><strong>Grades:</strong> ${$feature.Grade_Lowest_NS12}`
iif(!IsEmpty($feature.Grade_Highest_NS12) && $feature.Grade_Highest_NS12 > -99, grades += ` - ${$feature.Grade_Highest_NS12}&nbsp;`, `&nbsp;`)
return {
    type : 'text',
    text : `<p>
    <strong>Type:</strong> ${$feature.Type} ${grades}${website}
    ${$feature.Site_Address_Line1} ${$feature.Site_Address_Line2}
    ${$feature.Site_City}, ${$feature.Site_State} ${$feature.Site_Zipcode}
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Frequent Contributor

Thank you!!

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