j'ai basculer mon travail de Arc map vers arcGisPro
et j'ai rencontrer des probleme concernant les classes d'entités annotations
sachant que j'ai executé l'outil "mettre a niveau le jeu de donnés "
mais ça n'a pas marché
Can you please elaborate what sorts of problems you're having with your annotation? Are they displaying differently than in Desktop? If so, how are they different? Are they not displaying at all?
the problem
after displaying my map from ArcGis desktop to ArcGisPro
annotations are not displayed and cannot be edited
I ran the upgrade tool
But that did not work
After running the Upgrade Dataset tool, were there warnings listed that indicate why annotation may not have been upgraded? You can check the Geoprocessing History pane to view results of past operations. Open the History pane from the Analysis tab:
If your annotation layer included graphics that are not text graphics, those graphics are not supported by the upgrade process and will be deleted. A list of their OIDs will be created and included in the tool's messages accessible in the History pane.
See this help page about how to convert text graphics.
If graphics are not the issue, can you share a screenshot of what the annotation looks like in Desktop before you upgraded the dataset?
Thanks a lot
and sorry for the late reaction on my part.
I'm working on a geological map
it's annotations for geological formation
for example q for the quaternary
C for the Cretaceous
. . . etc
in ArcMap the annotations work well
but after putting them in ArcGisPro it doesn't work
knowing that the XML
that I use during geodatabase creation and feature class set is designed
in Arc catalog from ArcGis Desqtop