I created a map in ArcGIS Pro containing 3 XY Event Layers which plots XY fields from Survey123 results table. XY Event layers are supposed to be dynamic. If I refresh the ArcGIS Pro window the data shown on the map updates as and when new data is added to the Survey123 forms.
I published this map as WebMap to my AGOL. Unfortunately, the data plotted on the WebMap does not get updated if new data is added in Survey123, even though I had added the option of refreshing the layers in the webmap every 0.5 min.
I am not sure whats going wrong here.
However, I must mention that the Survey results are not shared, whereas the WebMap is public. Is that creating the problem?
This is very similar to something I'm trying to do, only using Salesforce data with XY coordinates already populated. There's got to be a way to automatically render this stuff in GIS when new records are added...