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AGOL-Date Field in popup showing long number in Web App

10-25-2022 05:57 AM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Has anyone encountered an issue with a popup window showing a long number for the date field?  This just happened the other day and we've never had this issue and I can't figure out what's causing it.  Map Viewer is showing the date field properly, but on our actual GIS website it shows as if it's a coordinate number.  Please see attached pictures.

This is from Map Viewer showing the popup window showing correct date format.


This is from actual GIS website showing same popup, but with date field format incorrect:


As I said, we've never had this issue until a few days ago and can't figure out where it's coming from.  Everything in attribute table is showing the date fields with correct format.  The date field is formatted as date and not string.

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6 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

No updates have been pushed but the GIS site web app is based off of 3.x JSAPI looks like WAB? and Map Viewer is using the latest 4.x JSAPI so you might see some features not supported in the GIS site web app.

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Occasional Contributor

I was thinking a possible update as well.  But if no updates were pushed, doesn't explain why everything was working fine before late Friday.  Never had this issue before.  Thanks for your input.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Hard to say why it's behaving that way. What platform is your second image coming from, the popup format looks different.

That long number is probably the integer timestamp, and it is somehow being brought into the other popup as an actual integer. Anyway, try using an expression instead. Date can cast your field into a string, which would not be misinterpreted as some other field type.

Text($feature.datefield, 'D/M/Y')


- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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Occasional Contributor

Hi Josh,

The other platform(GIS website) is from WAB thru AGOL.  I did already try the arcade expression you suggested and the result was a blank field when clicking on the popup, which I found odd.  Anyways, thanks for the suggestion.  Weird thing is the date field always showed properly until late day Friday.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Can you open the map in the Classic Map Viewer and check out the field configuration there?

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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Occasional Contributor

Yes, I tried reconfiguring in Classic and has same results.

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