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AGOL Creating Hosted Layer from CSV

New Contributor


I think I am missing something basic but I cannot for the life of me get this CSV to turn into a hosted layer. It is too large to just 'add file' when in the map, so it told me to make it a hosted layer. I followed the steps to 'create item' and I finally figured out that it needed to be in a zip file. So now I have an item in my contents that just says CSV Collection. How do I get that to be a layer? Thank you so much

Also all of the guides say it should pop up to choose like Lat Long and match fields but I never get that pop up either

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Esri Contributor

Hi @k1olly if you have added the csv file to your ArcGIS Online, do you see an option to publish when view the item content.

The option to publish is normally located on the right hand side of the item overview page.

The following documentation you may find helpful:

Publish a CSV file

CSV, TXT, and GPX files