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Adding data from GIS server to ArcGIS Online

02-28-2012 06:10 AM
New Contributor II

I am trying to create an interactive map  apps for Town using ArcGIS Online templates. I uploaded data directly from GIS server and works fine. But I could not figured out to change the symbology to uploaded data. It seems that only I can mange is pop-up in online map viewer. Is there any option I can manipulate some features like symbology, transparency etc.

Thank you !
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4 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
When you add layers to the map based on map services, the symbolization is defined by the service itself. You can adjust the transparency of the service as a whole, however, by clicking the arrow next to the layer name in the Contents panel.

You can also add individual layers from your map service as an individual layer in the web map. Choose the Add>Layer from web and enter the URL to a particular layer, like this: In this case, the layer gets loaded into the web map and drawn by the web browser. This works for small numbers of features and is also browser specific. If you add too many features, the performance will suffer.


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New Contributor II
Thanks Mike !

I may have some questions about web map customization later on my progress.
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New Contributor II

I have created a map with a sipmple polygon to show an outline of my companys service area and areas that are out of power. I just added the layer and connected to our ArcGIS server. It works but the performance of our layer is terrible. When I view the service using the javascript viewer the performance is acceptable, about what it is in ArcMap. The service must be dynamic becasue the data that drives the layer changes regularly. I went that route to prevent form having to serve up the basemap.

This is the like to my map.

What tips can you give me to improve preformance?

Is their a different or perfered way of achiveing the same map?

Thanks, Russell
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Occasional Contributor

I have created a map with a sipmple polygon to show an outline of my companys service area and areas that are out of power. I just added the layer and connected to our ArcGIS server. It works but the performance of our layer is terrible. When I view the service using the javascript viewer the performance is acceptable, about what it is in ArcMap. The service must be dynamic becasue the data that drives the layer changes regularly. I went that route to prevent form having to serve up the basemap.

This is the like to my map.

What tips can you give me to improve preformance?

Is their a different or perfered way of achiveing the same map?

Thanks, Russell

One possibility of the performance hit is that the spatial reference of your data is WKID 2239 so that it has be re-projected on the fly to match the base map which is in Web Mercator Aux Sphere  102100 (3857).   One way around that is to re-project the data yourself and create a service from that, but doing so may not be practical if your data changes often.

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