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Adding a LiDAR derived Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in to ArcGIS online scene

4 weeks ago
New Contributor II

I derived some building models with a LiDAR point cloud, and these buildings are perfectly aligned on a DEM (which is also derived from a point cloud) without gaps with the terrain. However, when I share the models into ArcGIS online, these models are not perfectly aligned in the default DEM in ArcGIS online scenes (there are lots of gaps between the default terrain and models). Is there a possibility to use the same DEM I used to create these buidlings in the ArcGIS online scene?

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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor III

How To: Prepare Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Data for Publishing to ArcGIS Online ( 

Publish the DEM data as a hosted elevation layer

A hosted elevation layer is suitable for DEM data to be used to represent elevation values for a given area to visualize and analyze terrain data, create elevation profiles, and conduct geospatial analysis. In ArcGIS Pro, publish the DEM data as a hosted elevation layer. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Publish hosted elevation layers for instructions.

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