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Update Pop-Up Design in WebApp Builder

04-10-2019 05:59 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Can you please update the design of the Pop-Ups in WebApp Builder for the smartphone size views? The pop-ups look good on tablets or desktops (image Desktop_view.png and tablet_view.png) but they don't on smartphones (image smartphon_view_1.png and smartphon_view_1.png).

And maybe the option to use the result as destination or origin for the directions widget can be reachable from the first page of the pop-up (on smartphones). (image smartphon_view_3.png)

First Pop-Up page

Second Pop-Up page

1 Comment

I agree with this completely!  We actually run into this problem, not only on smart phones, but on laptops with the same configurations!  One guy sees the pop-up normally, one guy sees the above image, and when you open it, it takes the entire screen, very frustrating.