Support for Contingent Values in ArcGIS Online

05-17-2019 08:39 AM
Frequent Contributor

Contingent Values in ArcGIS Pro helps data technicians in the office to efficiently manage the ensure the integrity of their data. Light data users could take advantage of this as well through ArcGIS Online whether in the office or using Collector in the field, making sure that data entry is simple and effective and that the data is of highest quality.

Use Case: Road Sign Technicians using Collector enter a sign code and then see the possible values available for other attributes. Stop signs have 3 sizes available, and In-Street Pedestrian Crossing signs have 2 sizes available, and so on.

Thanks team!


I could use this for several hosted features layers I have. It would save me time and complaints about some data entry choices I've made in the past. Please Please do this!


Yes! Contingent Values is a realy good tool!

AND we really need it out in the field, using Field Maps.

Yes, we do. I find myself contstantly frustrated by web feature layers. I would love to be be able to remove or add specific layer items as well from/to a web feature layer. Just like I can and or delete specific. Feature classes from a geodatabase

Jumping on this idea, this would be extremely helpful for an Enterprise and Collector field data collection use case. At the minimum it would be nice to communicate with interested parties if this is on the roadmap and when to expect it, if at all. Thanks again, any information is appreciated!


I would like this functionality to be available in ArcGIS Enterprise as well. The contingent values works perfectly for a request process I set up on Portal for ArcGIS. Submitting a request via Geo-Form and managing that request via a WebAppBuilder. 


The functionality works perfectly for what I am trying do as I would like to only display sub request type values that are relevant to a specific main request type and further only have processing phase values which are relevant to a specific request type. 

@ChristopherBowering I tried escalating the bug but couldn't.



Another upvote to see this supported in AGOL, on premise SDE, fDGB, field apps like Field Maps, and across the platform.


+1 I also need this functionality for implementing field inspection workflows.


I also need this functionality for implementing field inspection workflows.  My immediate need is for planting new trees, adding their location, genus, species, cultivar and common name.  Without the contingencies being available in AGO, Field Collector, etc. our field staff will have to scroll through a list of domain values that is almost 450 records. 


I also would very much so benefit from contingent values to be allowed on Collector / Field Maps, and I think I can speak for most water utilities using GIS. 


Esri has confirmed this is in the product plan for Field Maps. I'm assuming it will never be implemented in Collector since that will be deprecated soon, and I'm not sure about AGOL/Enterprise.