Support for Attribute rules in ArcGIS Online

07-15-2019 03:27 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

At pro 2.4 ESRI implemented attributes rules at the file Geodatabase Level which is great.

It means that when you copy or move the file geodatabase, you copy or move the rules.

So if you upload this fgdb to AGOL, the rules are uploaded within the fgbd. 

Attribute rules are « able to travel » to AGOL.


At the moment these rules are not interpreted or implemented at the AGOL level.

The idea here is to have the rules interpreted and implemented in AGOL when publishing feature services from a rules enabled fgdb.

It would be great to have attributes rules fully implemented in ArcGIS Online.

This would allow users to have their own QC and field calculation in hosted feature layers and web apps !

(edited 2020-07-24 to improve this description)


Near the bottom of the article published on Jan. 3 2021about smart forms and the new field maps app.

Attribute rules – are user-defined rules that can be used to automatically populate attributes, restrict invalid edits, and perform quality assurance checks on existing features when they are submitted. Attribute rules are coming to hosted feature services and to forms so that you can execute business logic in your form connected or offline. 


@AndrewE that's a very interesting piece of information! This is making me rethink what direction Esri may be headed in.


This will be a great feature for AGOL!! Can't wait for this new feature.


Has anyone read any updates on when this might be available? 


"Attribute rules – are user-defined rules that can be used to automatically populate attributes, restrict invalid edits, and perform quality assurance checks on existing features when they are submitted. Attribute rules are coming to hosted feature services and to forms so that you can execute business logic in your form connected or offline. "

Apart from this non-committal timeline, can we expect an update this summer?


I would also like to know this.


+1 I also need this functionality for implementing field inspection workflows.




+1 This is a must for us and our hosted feature layers! 

@KellyGerrow are attribute rules in AGOL currently under consideration or in the product plan?


We are working on some projects around attribute rules and contingent values with Hosted Feature Layers.

Keep an eye on these ideas for an update on timeline and please share your specific workflow so we can incorporate our testing and planning with your usecase.


@KellyGerrow - Sure thing, thanks! Our use case is pretty simple. Essentially what we need is to auto-update a field when another field is updated. For example, PCI scores for street pavement status.

On a street segment, if I update my PCI score field to 85, then my PCI label field should auto-update to Good.

And on another feature, if I update my PCI score field to 10, then my PCI label field should auto-update to Failed.


We're doing routine field calculations as a workaround for the time being... but boy would attribute rules be nice here.