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Provide more detail in ArcGIS Online Feature Data Store Key Health Indicators

03-15-2023 04:19 PM
Status: Open
MVP Regular Contributor

ArcGIS Online subscriptions have a Feature Data Store Resource Usage Chart for premium feature data stores (and I understand may come to Standard in future).

The resource chart is an 'aggregate indicator of the use of database resources such as memory, CPU and input/output (I/O).'

On an M4 database we are seeing usage in the response headers reaching close to the 96K max org query limit (50,000-70,000 request units incurred per minute). It's possible that this is at times hitting 96K and resulting in 1min timeouts that continue to occur when the requests are repeated. During this time the organization health chart remains super healthy, in the <10% range.

If the query rate across the org is close to or exceeding the maximum usage allowed and then causing 60sec timeouts, this should be evident to administrators. It would be a great idea to capture this in the resource usage chart. Delineating the resource usage would provide a better understanding of what resource is being consumed and allow administrators to proactively prevent issues.

1 Comment

Just learned about this request limit today; agree that Premium Feature Datastore needs more metrics exposed so we can make better decisions about the health of our data store. Requests per minute would be a good one so we can monitor trends and anticipate problems.