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Property Notification widget - save buffer for print

02-14-2018 06:07 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

I'm using the Property Notification widget in my ArcGIS Online map and I'd like print out the resulting buffer.  If I choose my print widget, my buffer selection disappears.  It would be very useful to be able to print my buffer result. Thank you!

Tags (1)

Hello Pete, 

The theme that you are using may not support this -  Public Notification is deactivated when the print widget is enabled.  Please take a look the Dart theme, this will support the printing the buffer graphic.  We are also looking into other options as we develop this widget further.

Please join us this week on Thursday, Feb. 22nd @ 2:00 PM EST for a very focused meet-up specifically focused on the Public Notification widget.

ArcGIS for Local Government (Redlands, CA) | Meetup 


Local Government Solutions



Thanks Chris, changing the theme to Dart worked!  Thanks so much for following up with me. 



Nice Pete, glad it worked.  Please keep the feedback coming, we appreciate it. Allison Muisecfox-esristaff



I’ve added the Add Data widget to my webmap so that anyone in my organization can import bike race route shapefiles. Is there a way for the Property Notification widget to run the buffer off of this imported shapefile?

Thanks so much,



I have come across same issue. I have downloaded this web app. I can't change my theme to Dart

Is there a config/manifest option?

"name": "PublicNotification",
"2D": true,
"3D": false,
"platform": "HTML",
"version": "2.7",
"wabVersion": "2.7",
"author": "Esri, Inc.",
"description": "Public Notification allows staff to identify properties within a given distance (buffer) of a subject property and generate mailing labels and/or a structured text file of owners and occupants that fall within the buffer. This application is typically used by local planning and zoning officials, but can be used by any agency looking to notify property owners and occupants of a formal action being taken.",
"copyright": "Copyright 2017 Esri",
"license": "",
"properties": {
"inPanel": true,
"hasUIFile": true,
"hasLocale": true,
"hasStyle": true,
"hasConfig": true,
"hasSettingPage": true,
"hasSettingUIFile": true,
"hasSettingLocale": true,
"hasSettingStyle": true,
"IsController": false,
"keepConfigAfterMapSwitched": false